
Consciousness of the judgment

We recite Surah Fatiha many times a day during our salah, testifying that Allah is the Owner of the Day of Judgment. This is a point of hope and assurance, that no matter what harm has befallen us, Allah will judge it on the Day of Reckoning. We have to be patient now, with the firm belief that no one will escape His Judgment on that day. At the same time, it is a reminder for us as well, that we have to ensure not to harm others, in order to avoid Allah’s Judgment for wronging someone else.

Eat and drink but be not excessive

Too much of a good thing can turn out to be quite harmful. Everything is enjoyed to a limit, and going beyond that is unpleasant. When we overstuff our bellies, then we are destroying our health. Even if you love to eat pizza, when you overeat that same pizza, it will leave you in pain.


The believer’s love for the Prophet (peace be upon him) should be greater than our love for any other human being in this world.

One day, you'll be just a memory

What memories did you make today? A believer may achieve the status of one who regularly fasts during the day and spends the night in prayer, through his good manners.  (Riyadh-us-Salaheen)


We must remember how our Nabi (peace be upon him) felt when the people demeaned him. But how did he respond? What did Allah say about the end of those who go against the messenger of Allah? So follow his example. Hold on to your religion, and do not be discouraged or exceed the limits of Islam. “Allaah has full power and control over His Affairs, but most of men know not.” - Surah Yusuf (12:21)

Our duty to help the believers

We make it our duty to help the believers. Ar Rum | Verse 47

Allah our Protector

He is our Protector." So in Allah let the believers put their trust. At Tawbah | Verse 51